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KS3 Pupil Referral Unit

The Moorbridge KS3 Pupil Referral Unit and is located in Shiremoor and aims to support the following pupils;


  • Those referred by mainstream schools to the North Tyneside Fair Access Panel

  • Pupils with a medical or psychological assessment

  • Pupils with Education Health Care Plans where Moorbridge has been identified to meet need

  • Educational Health Care Plan awaiting specialist provision 

  • Pupils undergoing assessment

  • Where Moorbridge is identified as a suitable placement following permanent exclusion

  • Other pupils are admitted where places are available, if agreed as an appropriate placement.​​​



Our Key Stage 3 curriculum offers . . . 


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At the heart of our approach is a commitment to small class sizes, with no more than 10 pupils per group. This allows our experienced teachers and learning mentors to provide intensive, personalised support to address each child's unique needs and barriers to learning.

Through nurturing relationships and a love of learning, we aim to re-engage our pupils and help them achieve their full potential.

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Moorbridge's key stage 3 pupils are offered a robust rewards system to encourage and celebrate their progress. Pupils earn points throughout the working week by meeting the school's classroom expectations.

Those who achieve their individual points target are able to access a variety of rewarding activities during the Friday rewards session.


This system is designed to promote positive behaviours, build self-esteem, and foster a love of learning. By recognising and rewarding pupils' efforts, Moorbridge aims to support their social, emotional, and academic development, aligning with the school's core values of Relationships, Resilience, and Respect.

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