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Moorbridge Management Group

Our Management Committee can consists of up to 20 members. 14 community members, 1 parent member, 2 local authority members, 2 staff members and the Headteacher of the PRU.

Schools in North Tyneside nominate individuals to represent the mainstream schools (most of the nominees are part of the Senior Leadership Teams from the mainstream schools in North Tyneside), other members are identified on eligibility and skill base. 


Each member is a volunteer. Once appointed they will serve for four years, after this time of service they can be re-elected, re-appointed or replaced.

Please note, the parent members' term of office is for two years as per the Management Committee's Instrument of Government.


The Management Committee's job is to;


  • Determine the strategic direction of NTSSS & Moorbridge PRU

  • To monitor and evaluate the performance of NTSSS & Moorbridge PRU

  • To ensure that NTSSS & Moorbridge PRU continues to succeed




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